Torture's been on for a couple of days straight in a row. Feel like I'm slowly withering little by little. Energy drained but I can't complain because the outcome's a satisfactory. :) Just had mid terms for Deco Arts, took me a whole entire night to finish the plate for the kitchen not to mention reviewing for the mid terms wherein everyone of us had to memorize the painting and the painter taught to us during lecture and actually understand what that painting stood for. As soon as I got home, I knocked out and wanna say great thanks to Dione and Danelley for offerin' up a ride home :) Lovely people. Love you both!!
Due later. Just started rendering it 3 hours ago. or more.. I can't really remember anymore but I do know its for errrm... Color Rendering. Good luck to us taking midterms for it lateerrr. Woot. Ima get some shut eye now. :)
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