Thursday, November 5, 2009

starbucks vs homework

Starbucks has their new set of their holiday drinks up since early on this week. Everyones getting their coffee groove on and has started collecting them stamps for the 2010 Starbucks planner, which on my previous experience... is only available in the Phillipines? Well if not then do correct me. Not that I am bragging or anything. Just got a couple of friends in London, UK and Malaysia who say that their Starbucks outlet do not provide suchness.

Ahh we shall see how much my sister can collect this year though. Hahaha. Maybe I can ask her to give me an extra. She's addicted to them drinkies.

Anyhow, didn't do much on my current deadlines. I am really not in the mood to elaborate with the detailings but I guess I am trying? Barely. Hahah. Pardon me.. I purposely didn't finish the lower part of this piece mainly because I didn't wanna screw it up more than it already is. I attempted to use the complimentary color scheme buuuut... I am not to sure it's working out so well. Oh well... better luck on the next plate. :O

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