Monday, March 19, 2007

Family's here!

hey all! just wanna letcha all know that I have received ALOT of blessings from God today. First of all, my family's reached The Philippines safely. Thank God for that. They were alil bit delayed but hey, they're here. Secondly, my kuya Mac-mac was granted his nurse capping so yeah, wohho! It means that he's allowed to continue with his course with a purpose that he will succeed in it,

Anyways, went for the late noon mass here with my aunt, dad, mom and uncle. The second the thanksgiving part started, tears started trickling down my cheeks - maybe outta happiness that my family's back? But the tears didn't last long. Nobody even noticed it!


Now I know that I wouldn't be bored cos there's someone to disturb now that my family's here!

u guys take care!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ha! i didn say u need a bf xD nyeh! eeek ure the first person i know who actually is HAPPY to have ur fam back. and stop worrying over which program u are going to take. the decision will come soon =) well m pretty tired ryt now... til here muna =P

ha they trusted me dati... ngaun de na!! grrrr..

well tc lagi! regards to ur fam! mwahugz wub ya and miss ya! gluck!